How many times have you thought... how can I improve my golf swing? I'll be it's a crazy number. A number that's higher than all your fingers, toes and hairs on your head! Why is this such an elusive issue?rolex deepsea How come with all the technology we golfers aren't improving? It's mind boggling, but I have a few insights that might help, and it's not about just going out to the range and pounding balls.
It's not buying every new driver that comes out. It's much, much simpler and cheaper than that. What if I told you it's so easy you wouldn't even have to ever take another golf lesson again? What if... to improve your golf swing all you had was ONE swing thought? Does this sound like "pie in the sky?" Wouldn't that be nice to have just ONE swing thought every time you stepped up to hit the golf ball?
Well... that time has come! When I tell you this ONE THING you might want to strangle me, or if you take a step back and think. You'll shake your head in utter shock at this... but you can't deny I'm on to something.
Do you want to hear it yet, or do you want me to continue to tease you and not tell you til the bitter end of this golf article? I'm a "yesterday" kind of guy, but I'm kind of having fun with this topic of "how can I improve my golf swing". It's a topic that million of golfers daily think about, but many of them take the wrong approach to achieving the end result of a better golf swing.
Let me ask you something. When you mishit a golf ball, what took place? What really happened that caused this often humiliating shot that no doubt will cost you strokes on your score card? Was it all those tips and techniques you've tried from the magazines? You get the golf magazine, see a tip, rush to the range and IT WORKED! You start "flushing the golf ball" and you run back to your significant other and say... "I've got it".
Does this scenario sound familiar? Have you gone to a range with a new swing thought or golf tip and started to hit awesome golf shots that you could repeat over and over again? I know I have, and the minute I got to the course "it was gone"!
What the heck?
Finally... hear is the ANSWER to the question "how can I improve my golf swing".
How many times have you lost all care on the course,sac à main swung easy, and hit a beautiful shot with no lack of distance? It's because you had NO TENSION in your body! You "let it go". This is the SECRET to better golf. You'll never need another lesson every again.
Do you want a simple way to learn how to golf? Do you want some easy, free golf lessons to quickly improve your golf swing?
In today's clothing market there are few items that are easier to market than name brand shoes
In today's clothing market there are few items that are easier to market than name brand shoes. Certain items like woman's dresses and tops all have to follow the seasons usually. And without a famous designer behind the line it is sometimes hard to get them noticed. BorsettaBut shoes on the other hand are known by both male and female consumers.
When it comes to shoes, they command an entirely different strategy to market. Simply because in some ways people are already well aware of the names of the manufacturers and designers. Because there are more famous stars that come out with shoes than any other piece of clothing, they have a dedicated following.
They sold so well that other shoe manufacturers were trying to do the same exact thing they were. They went out and tried to find their own basketball star to market with a foot ware line. However well they may have managed to sell their product, nothing ever equaled what replica rolex watches had done. This was evident in the fact that every store, no matter where it was located would always have them on the shelf.
They pay attention because the clothing is something that the fans can purchase and wear. When they wear something either worn by the celebrity or designed by them they feel like they can be them. The fans feel like they then have a connection of some kind with the celebrity they admire and look up to. This is true with shoes mostly because more celebrities get involved with shoes more than anything else.
Usually this is true because they are the easiest to manufacture, and the easiest to design. More companies are willing to take a chance on a new line of foot ware because you can sell them to target areas that have a lower income just as well as to a higher income area. They will sell anywhere because people always want to have a very nice pair of them. So they will pay, even if out of their price range. They will still pay for them.
Why the celebrities all get involved with foot ware probably all dates back to Michael Jordan and how popular he had made his foot ware line. He showed everyone that a great design associated with a strong a popular name will sell very well. And sell they do. When most famous celebrities get involved with clothing they too wear the clothes as often as possible.
His styles sold very well. Even the critics praised the way his products looked, felt, and acted. His products were not only touted as a good looking one but a well worn one as well. They lasted as long as anything else on the market even though they cost twice as much. But this did not matter. People were buying them everywhere no matter what the price. Even kids who could orologinot afford them would beg their parents for weeks to get them to buy a pair for them.
Or at least that is what they think. Who are we to tell them any different? As long as they continue to purchase the material it will continue to sell and sell very well. Especially with name brand shoes. Simple because their are more celebrities making them then anything else so more people are able to purchase them. They are available to more demographic markets and therefore to more people.
Being a well-known brand across the world, the puma future cat is one of perhaps the most enchanting sequence among puma shoes.
When it comes to shoes, they command an entirely different strategy to market. Simply because in some ways people are already well aware of the names of the manufacturers and designers. Because there are more famous stars that come out with shoes than any other piece of clothing, they have a dedicated following.
They sold so well that other shoe manufacturers were trying to do the same exact thing they were. They went out and tried to find their own basketball star to market with a foot ware line. However well they may have managed to sell their product, nothing ever equaled what replica rolex watches had done. This was evident in the fact that every store, no matter where it was located would always have them on the shelf.
They pay attention because the clothing is something that the fans can purchase and wear. When they wear something either worn by the celebrity or designed by them they feel like they can be them. The fans feel like they then have a connection of some kind with the celebrity they admire and look up to. This is true with shoes mostly because more celebrities get involved with shoes more than anything else.
Usually this is true because they are the easiest to manufacture, and the easiest to design. More companies are willing to take a chance on a new line of foot ware because you can sell them to target areas that have a lower income just as well as to a higher income area. They will sell anywhere because people always want to have a very nice pair of them. So they will pay, even if out of their price range. They will still pay for them.
Why the celebrities all get involved with foot ware probably all dates back to Michael Jordan and how popular he had made his foot ware line. He showed everyone that a great design associated with a strong a popular name will sell very well. And sell they do. When most famous celebrities get involved with clothing they too wear the clothes as often as possible.
His styles sold very well. Even the critics praised the way his products looked, felt, and acted. His products were not only touted as a good looking one but a well worn one as well. They lasted as long as anything else on the market even though they cost twice as much. But this did not matter. People were buying them everywhere no matter what the price. Even kids who could orologinot afford them would beg their parents for weeks to get them to buy a pair for them.
Or at least that is what they think. Who are we to tell them any different? As long as they continue to purchase the material it will continue to sell and sell very well. Especially with name brand shoes. Simple because their are more celebrities making them then anything else so more people are able to purchase them. They are available to more demographic markets and therefore to more people.
Being a well-known brand across the world, the puma future cat is one of perhaps the most enchanting sequence among puma shoes.
There have been numerous studies about how ankle sprains are caused and what factors increase your risk for ankle sprains
There have been numerous studies about how ankle sprains are caused and what factors increase your risk for ankle sprains. In this article I will go over some of the more and less common risk factors for incurring an ankle sprain. While ankle sprains can occur in anybody who walks or runs,chaussures femmes they occur most frequently in athletes. There are several proposed risk factors for ankle sprains in athletes. While it can be difficult for researchers to design good studies of risk factors there are a few that are generally accepted for ankle sprains.
History of Ankle Sprain. The strongest predictor of ankle sprains is a previous history of ankle sprains. This conclusion is shared by nearly every study conducted on the subject [1],[2],[3],[4]. The people with the highest risk after they have previously sprained their ankle are those who did not proper rehabilitate the injury. An unrehabilitated ankle can be unstable afterward and is open to being sprained over and over again. The reason for this, some researchers think, is that when an ankle injury occurs some of the nerves that tell your body what position your ankle is in are damaged. These nerves are called proprioceptors and the ability to determine the position of your body parts is called proprioception. When these nerves are injured it can be more difficult for your body to know how to position your foot to keep it safe.
Balance. Lack of balance (also referred to as Postural Sway), may indicate a lack of proprioception due to ankle stability. A study of ankle sprain risk factors identified athletes with poor balance as those who could not maintain a single-leg stance for at least 15 seconds without touching down the unplanted foot to remain steady[5]. These people had an increased occurrence of ankle sprain injuries. Another researcher studied high school basketball players using a specially designed machine to identify those with poor balance[6]. Players with low pre-season testing scores experienced nearly 7 times more ankle sprains than those with normal balance.
Height and Weight. There is not much agreement as to whether height and weight are significant factors for ankle sprains. Studies of soldiers in basic training exercises indicated that being taller and heavier were risk factors. Another research study, however, experienced different results and determined that height, by itself, was not a risk factor[7]. This was based on a study of 1,601 West Point cadets who participated in basketball with no history of ankle sprain or instability. There were no findings to indicate height and weight as something that would increase or decrease the risk of an ankle sprain. Until more research is done it is unclear whether taller or heavier people have a greater risk for spraining an ankle.
Foot Shape/Joint Laxity. You might expect a lax ankle joint to be at a greater risk for ankle sprains. However, evidence indicates that this is not the case. One research study evaluated ankle joint laxity using orthopedic testing[8]. Based on these results it wasn't possible to predict an increased likelihood for ankle sprains based on the mobility of the joint. Other factors like the shape of the foot or whether it over-pronated during running or walking, did not indicate a higher risk for sprains. However, over- and under-pronation may indicate some degree of foot instability.
Gender. Males and females tend to experience the same frequency of ankle sprains. When all other risk factors are taken out of the equation, neither gender is at a greater risk for an ankle sprain.
Muscle Strength and Reaction Time. Muscle strength and reaction time are not risk factors for ankle sprains. The muscles in your legs control the position of your foot. Researchers have studied the velocity and forces necessary to sprain an ankle[9],[10]. In order to rupture a ligament in the ankle complex the speed required is greater than the speed with which your muscles react to the stimulus that your ankle is about to go too far in one direction or another. In addition it takes even longer for your muscles to reach full contraction. By the time this happens your ligaments could be long gone. What reaction time and muscle strength do affect is the positioning of your foot before it hits the ground. This positioning can be very influential when it comes to increasing you risk of ankle sprain[11].
Shoe Type. Shoes may increase or decrease your risk for ankle sprains. Some researchers theorize that certain types, such as high-top basketball shoes, may increase proprioceptive feedback from the ankle joint[12].chaussures There is also some evidence that shoes offer some resistance to the excessive range of motion in the ankle[13]. One study was done of over 10,000 recreational/elite basketball players to determine some ankle sprain risk factors. In a questionnaire distributed to players who had suffered an ankle sprain they asked several questions about shoes including: cut (high, mid, low-top), cost, brand/model, and condition (good, fair, poor). When they noticed a high frequency of players wearing more expensive shoes also suffered ankle injuries they looked at other commonalities in the high priced shoes. The most common feature of these shoes was the presence of air cushions in the heel portion of the shoe. From this research they conclude that these air cushions increase the likelihood of an ankle sprain. The same may be true for shoes with energy return systems like replica rolex watches Shox. There are four key features of a shoe that will help limit ankle injury. These are lateral (side-to-side) stability, torsional (twisting) flexibility, cushioning, and traction control. The most significant of these features is traction control[14]. Among soccer and football players, cleat length and design has been linked to an increase in ankle injuries[15]. The increased traction increases foot fixation. This foot fixation increases the vulnerability of all of the lower joints of the leg, in particular, the ankle.
Surface conditions. The quality and condition of the playing surface is a risk factor for ankle sprains. Any surface that has friction which is not optimal (too high or too low) increases an athlete's risk for injury. For instance artificial turf increases friction, while water on a court surface may drastically decrease it. High friction will hold the contact foot stationary while the momentum of the rest of the body will create great stress on the joints and ligaments of the ankle. Low friction will cause the contact foot to slip from under the body causing excessive motion at the ankle joint, thereby stressing the ligaments. With these risk factors in mind it is possible to greatly reduce your likelihood of suffering and ankle sprain. Some risk factors cannot be avoided. To help protect yourself in these situations there are some proven methods for decreasing your risk of ankle sprain. Now with this information in mind we are ready to discuss the top three methods for preventing ankle sprains: taping, braces, and exercises.
[1] Thacker SB, Stroup DF, Branche CM, Gilchrist J, Goodman RA, Weitman EA. Prevention of Ankle Sprains in Sports: A Systematic Review of Literature. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 1999;27(6) 753-760.
[2] Beynnon BD, Murphy DF, Alosa DM. Predictive Factors for Lateral Ankle Sprains: A Literature Review. Journal of Athletic Training 2002;37(4) 376-380.
[3] McKay GD, Goldie PA, Payne WR, Oakes BW. Ankle Injuries in Basketball: Injury Rate and Risk Factors. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2001;35:103-108.
[4] Willems T, Witvrouw E, Verstuyft J, Vaes P, De Clercq D. Proprioception and Muscle Strength in Subjects With a History of Ankle Sprains and Chronic Instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 2002; 37(4) 487-493.
[5] Watson AW. Ankle Sprains in Players of the Field-Games Gaelic Football and Hurling. Journal of Sports Medicine, Physiology and Fitness. 1999 v39:66-70.
[6] McGuine TA, Greene JJ, Best T, Leverson G. Balance As a Predictor of Ankle Injuries in High School Basketball Players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. October 2000 v10(4):239-244.
[7] Sitler M, Ryan J, Wheeler B, McBride J, Arciero R, Anderson J, Horodyski M. The efficacy of a semirigid ankle stabilizer to reduce acute ankle injuries in basketball. A randomized clinical study at West Point. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1994: v22:454-461.
[8] Barrett JR, Tanji JL, Drake C, Fuller D, Kawasaki RI, Fenton RM. High-versus low-top shoes for the prevention of ankle sprains in basketball players: a prospective randomized study. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1993;21:582-585.
[9] Vaes PH, Duquet W, Casteleyn P, Handelburg, Opdecam P.copy wallet Static and Dynamic Roentgenographic Analysis of Ankle Stability in Braced and Nonbraced Stable and Functionally Unstable Ankles. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1998 v 26.5:691-702.
[10] Konradsen L, Voight M, Højsgaard C. Ankle inversion injuries. The role of the dynamic defense mechanism. American Journal of Sports Medicine 1997:25: 54-58.
[11] Carnes, Michael. Personal communication. February 2007.
[12] Barrett J, Bilisko T. The role of shoes in the prevention of ankle sprains. Sports Medicine. 1995 Oct;20(4):277-80. [13] Ottaviani RA, Ashton-Miller JA, Kothari SU, Wojtys EM. Basketball Shoe Height and the Maximal Muscular Resistance to Applied Ankle Inversion and Eversion Moments. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1995. v23(4):418-423.
[14] Reinschmidt C, Nigg BM. Current Issues in the Design of Running and Court Shoes. Sportveri Sportschad 2000;14:71-81.
[15] Torg JS, Quedenfeld T. Effect of shoe type and cleat length on incidence and severity of knee injuries among high school football players. Res Q. 1971;42:203-211. 16] Hamill J, Knutzen KM. Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 2nd ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2003
Dr. Jason Young, DC is the founder and chiropractor of Body of Health Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Corvallils, OR. Dr. Young is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and enjoys treating and training athletes of all sports and skill levels. Body of Health is a high quality wellness center which focuses on treating families, athletes, and people with a wide variety of conditions and attitudes about health. Using some of the latest techniques in chiropractic
History of Ankle Sprain. The strongest predictor of ankle sprains is a previous history of ankle sprains. This conclusion is shared by nearly every study conducted on the subject [1],[2],[3],[4]. The people with the highest risk after they have previously sprained their ankle are those who did not proper rehabilitate the injury. An unrehabilitated ankle can be unstable afterward and is open to being sprained over and over again. The reason for this, some researchers think, is that when an ankle injury occurs some of the nerves that tell your body what position your ankle is in are damaged. These nerves are called proprioceptors and the ability to determine the position of your body parts is called proprioception. When these nerves are injured it can be more difficult for your body to know how to position your foot to keep it safe.
Balance. Lack of balance (also referred to as Postural Sway), may indicate a lack of proprioception due to ankle stability. A study of ankle sprain risk factors identified athletes with poor balance as those who could not maintain a single-leg stance for at least 15 seconds without touching down the unplanted foot to remain steady[5]. These people had an increased occurrence of ankle sprain injuries. Another researcher studied high school basketball players using a specially designed machine to identify those with poor balance[6]. Players with low pre-season testing scores experienced nearly 7 times more ankle sprains than those with normal balance.
Height and Weight. There is not much agreement as to whether height and weight are significant factors for ankle sprains. Studies of soldiers in basic training exercises indicated that being taller and heavier were risk factors. Another research study, however, experienced different results and determined that height, by itself, was not a risk factor[7]. This was based on a study of 1,601 West Point cadets who participated in basketball with no history of ankle sprain or instability. There were no findings to indicate height and weight as something that would increase or decrease the risk of an ankle sprain. Until more research is done it is unclear whether taller or heavier people have a greater risk for spraining an ankle.
Foot Shape/Joint Laxity. You might expect a lax ankle joint to be at a greater risk for ankle sprains. However, evidence indicates that this is not the case. One research study evaluated ankle joint laxity using orthopedic testing[8]. Based on these results it wasn't possible to predict an increased likelihood for ankle sprains based on the mobility of the joint. Other factors like the shape of the foot or whether it over-pronated during running or walking, did not indicate a higher risk for sprains. However, over- and under-pronation may indicate some degree of foot instability.
Gender. Males and females tend to experience the same frequency of ankle sprains. When all other risk factors are taken out of the equation, neither gender is at a greater risk for an ankle sprain.
Muscle Strength and Reaction Time. Muscle strength and reaction time are not risk factors for ankle sprains. The muscles in your legs control the position of your foot. Researchers have studied the velocity and forces necessary to sprain an ankle[9],[10]. In order to rupture a ligament in the ankle complex the speed required is greater than the speed with which your muscles react to the stimulus that your ankle is about to go too far in one direction or another. In addition it takes even longer for your muscles to reach full contraction. By the time this happens your ligaments could be long gone. What reaction time and muscle strength do affect is the positioning of your foot before it hits the ground. This positioning can be very influential when it comes to increasing you risk of ankle sprain[11].
Shoe Type. Shoes may increase or decrease your risk for ankle sprains. Some researchers theorize that certain types, such as high-top basketball shoes, may increase proprioceptive feedback from the ankle joint[12].chaussures There is also some evidence that shoes offer some resistance to the excessive range of motion in the ankle[13]. One study was done of over 10,000 recreational/elite basketball players to determine some ankle sprain risk factors. In a questionnaire distributed to players who had suffered an ankle sprain they asked several questions about shoes including: cut (high, mid, low-top), cost, brand/model, and condition (good, fair, poor). When they noticed a high frequency of players wearing more expensive shoes also suffered ankle injuries they looked at other commonalities in the high priced shoes. The most common feature of these shoes was the presence of air cushions in the heel portion of the shoe. From this research they conclude that these air cushions increase the likelihood of an ankle sprain. The same may be true for shoes with energy return systems like replica rolex watches Shox. There are four key features of a shoe that will help limit ankle injury. These are lateral (side-to-side) stability, torsional (twisting) flexibility, cushioning, and traction control. The most significant of these features is traction control[14]. Among soccer and football players, cleat length and design has been linked to an increase in ankle injuries[15]. The increased traction increases foot fixation. This foot fixation increases the vulnerability of all of the lower joints of the leg, in particular, the ankle.
Surface conditions. The quality and condition of the playing surface is a risk factor for ankle sprains. Any surface that has friction which is not optimal (too high or too low) increases an athlete's risk for injury. For instance artificial turf increases friction, while water on a court surface may drastically decrease it. High friction will hold the contact foot stationary while the momentum of the rest of the body will create great stress on the joints and ligaments of the ankle. Low friction will cause the contact foot to slip from under the body causing excessive motion at the ankle joint, thereby stressing the ligaments. With these risk factors in mind it is possible to greatly reduce your likelihood of suffering and ankle sprain. Some risk factors cannot be avoided. To help protect yourself in these situations there are some proven methods for decreasing your risk of ankle sprain. Now with this information in mind we are ready to discuss the top three methods for preventing ankle sprains: taping, braces, and exercises.
[1] Thacker SB, Stroup DF, Branche CM, Gilchrist J, Goodman RA, Weitman EA. Prevention of Ankle Sprains in Sports: A Systematic Review of Literature. The American Journal of Sports Medicine 1999;27(6) 753-760.
[2] Beynnon BD, Murphy DF, Alosa DM. Predictive Factors for Lateral Ankle Sprains: A Literature Review. Journal of Athletic Training 2002;37(4) 376-380.
[3] McKay GD, Goldie PA, Payne WR, Oakes BW. Ankle Injuries in Basketball: Injury Rate and Risk Factors. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2001;35:103-108.
[4] Willems T, Witvrouw E, Verstuyft J, Vaes P, De Clercq D. Proprioception and Muscle Strength in Subjects With a History of Ankle Sprains and Chronic Instability. Journal of Athletic Training. 2002; 37(4) 487-493.
[5] Watson AW. Ankle Sprains in Players of the Field-Games Gaelic Football and Hurling. Journal of Sports Medicine, Physiology and Fitness. 1999 v39:66-70.
[6] McGuine TA, Greene JJ, Best T, Leverson G. Balance As a Predictor of Ankle Injuries in High School Basketball Players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. October 2000 v10(4):239-244.
[7] Sitler M, Ryan J, Wheeler B, McBride J, Arciero R, Anderson J, Horodyski M. The efficacy of a semirigid ankle stabilizer to reduce acute ankle injuries in basketball. A randomized clinical study at West Point. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1994: v22:454-461.
[8] Barrett JR, Tanji JL, Drake C, Fuller D, Kawasaki RI, Fenton RM. High-versus low-top shoes for the prevention of ankle sprains in basketball players: a prospective randomized study. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1993;21:582-585.
[9] Vaes PH, Duquet W, Casteleyn P, Handelburg, Opdecam P.copy wallet Static and Dynamic Roentgenographic Analysis of Ankle Stability in Braced and Nonbraced Stable and Functionally Unstable Ankles. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1998 v 26.5:691-702.
[10] Konradsen L, Voight M, Højsgaard C. Ankle inversion injuries. The role of the dynamic defense mechanism. American Journal of Sports Medicine 1997:25: 54-58.
[11] Carnes, Michael. Personal communication. February 2007.
[12] Barrett J, Bilisko T. The role of shoes in the prevention of ankle sprains. Sports Medicine. 1995 Oct;20(4):277-80. [13] Ottaviani RA, Ashton-Miller JA, Kothari SU, Wojtys EM. Basketball Shoe Height and the Maximal Muscular Resistance to Applied Ankle Inversion and Eversion Moments. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 1995. v23(4):418-423.
[14] Reinschmidt C, Nigg BM. Current Issues in the Design of Running and Court Shoes. Sportveri Sportschad 2000;14:71-81.
[15] Torg JS, Quedenfeld T. Effect of shoe type and cleat length on incidence and severity of knee injuries among high school football players. Res Q. 1971;42:203-211. 16] Hamill J, Knutzen KM. Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement 2nd ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2003
Dr. Jason Young, DC is the founder and chiropractor of Body of Health Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Corvallils, OR. Dr. Young is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and enjoys treating and training athletes of all sports and skill levels. Body of Health is a high quality wellness center which focuses on treating families, athletes, and people with a wide variety of conditions and attitudes about health. Using some of the latest techniques in chiropractic
Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers
A. Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers. B. Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants.
Part A
'Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers.' We all need to eat, drink and sleep and reproduce, this is all part of who we are as human beings. Therefore at the basic level companies will strivechaussures to satisfy these functions and keep doing so by once in a while showing advertisements that tells the public that they are around and can provide the products they need.
The other aspect is that needs vary depending on what country you live in. "For example a consumer in the United States may need food but may want a hamburger, french fries and a soft drink and a person that lives in Mauritius that needs food may want a mango, rice, lentils and beans. Wants are shaped by our society." The other part is wants, everybody can want something but only a few has the means to acquire it. A good example would be that everyone wants to eat out at expensive restaurants everyday but in reality only very few people can actually afford that lifestyle. This is why various segments have been created to target different groups and classes of people.
Marketers must therefore continually be creating and developing attractive products and then in turn devising a brilliant marketing strategy to win the consumer over to buy their product over other competing products. Companies strive to retain their customer base by delivering value and satisfaction from their products and this is formulated in consumers' minds as a combination of service, quality and price. Some consumers would not mind paying a higher price for an item or service if they received very good service.
This is all part of what a consumer's expectations on a product are, if these perceived expectations are met time after time then they become a loyal customer to that particular company. We as people like consistency and if a marketer provides consistent service in addition to great products and price then we will keep on going back for years. A good example would be Ben's Chili Bowl located in Washington DC. It is an eatery that has been in business for decades and the fact that it had kept so many loyal customers is because they have offered consistent service and great food over the years and people who used to go there to eat as kids still go there as adults. They even have patrons fly into Washington DC just to experience their food and service. Companies also create brands and these brands have an effect on people's purchasing habits.
These brands can mean several aspects of the company combined to form a perception in the consumer's mind such as products, services, information and experiences. The more unique and interesting a brand the better it will perform. One brand that comes to mind is the Coach Company that manufactures accessories in the retail sector. They produce items such as handbags, purses, belts and other items. Coach has built a strong brand name for themselves by being unique in their style and service and this is primarily the reason that customers create a high demand for their products. This has also allowed the company to maintain an above average price for their products compared with their competitors with the knowledge that consumers would pay that higher price. Segmentation is another way that companies target the consumer to satisfy their needs and companies use this technique to target where they should market their products. There are various criteria that companies use to segment their products and some of them are geographic, demographic, psycho graphic and behavioral.
They would use factors such as how populated and area is or how wealthy the population of a specific area is and target products that fit that mold. This has proved to be a very successful tactic for companies in marketing. Marketing channels are also used by companies to reach their consumers. They use three types of marketing channels which are communications, distribution and service channels. Communications is important to get the company's message out to the public and this could be in many forms such as the radio, television, the internet, posters and the like. They also need to distribute their products to the consumer and this means they will need a physical location like a store, or be a wholesaler and have others retail your products for you and also sell your products on the internet. Service channels are needed to effect transactions with the consumers and these could be banks for credit card purchases and transportation companies such as UPS to deliver the products to homes and businesses.
Marketing has relied on four marketing skills and tools and they are the sales force, advertising, sales promotion and marketing research, they must also use brand building, customer relations, telemarketing and others to make their product selling become reality. Companies must also function ethically and honestly to serve the consumer in the best possible manner. Marketing in the United States is unique in the world because it has evolved and changed over the years to blend in with the capitalistic society we live in in the US. This also means that some of the marketing we use in this country can only work with the credit system we currently have. This is not so in other parts of the world even in industrialized countries. So I would view marketing in the United States as one of the spokes in the wheel that makes our economy such a giant as it is today.
Part B
Regarding the second argument 'Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants.' I have to also agree with this statement. My reasons are many and varied. After seeing so many television commercials and advertisements both on the Internet and on newspapers I have concluded that some companies construct their ads to create a need in the consumer's mind even if originally they were not interested in the product. I took some time to research some of the wordsklockor that advertisements commonly use and I found an interesting mix of words and phrases. The word 'free' is the most common denominator I found in the ads, free is used in combinations such as free home trial, free inspection, buy one get one free, free installation, free estimates, free parking, free demonstration and free consultation. The word free is usually a powerful catalyst that springs the consumer into buying that particular product or idea even though he or she might not need it. I think other terms also kind of bait people into buying things they don't need.
Terms such as 'no payments till 2010' or 'money back guarantee' 'no down payment' 'offer good while supplies last' help dissipate any doubts that the consumer may have and spur them on to make the purchase. "Because the goal is to get customers' attention, persuade and create demand, market segmentation has historically been based on variables that correlate to creating demand: geography, age, gender, income, education, occupation and other traditional demographics, as well as psychographics around personality, lifestyle, values and attitudes. It works because these attributes are helpful for defining how to effectively speak to different groups of people."
Some companies do act unethical in their advertising, for example I have seen some ads on the internet especially where companies would advertise a product and make it veryappealing to the consumer then at the very bottom is tiny fonts the word 'restrictions apply' they would hide the link that takes you to where the restrictions are listed. So if you happen to buy that product without reading the fine print and something happens that you are not satisfied or want to return the item the company would refuse and make reference to their restriction policy. Other tactics that companies use to shape consumers needs and wants is to use celebrities or other famous people to sell their products. A good example of a company would be replica rolex watches. replica rolex watches teamed up with Michael Jordan to create marketing giant. One of the themes behind their partnership was to create the desire within consumers that if they wore Michael Jordan's sneakers they could play basketball or jump as high as him.
This was directed primarily towards the younger consumers and turned out to be a huge marketing success. Companies also take advantage of world events or changes in the economy to come out with new products. A good example is the ever increasing popularity of hybrid cars. This has been brought about by gas prices going up and the economy slowing down. However the increase in hybrid cars has led to a marked decrease of large SUV vehicles. In the past we used to associate hybrid cars with car companies such as Toyota and Honda, but nowadays companies such as Lincoln, Ford and others are coming out with hybrid vehicles. This has been a necessity of them to compete in today's changed car market.
However advertising is not the only force that drives the consumer. Most companies do a lot of research before releasing an advertisement in getting a feel of what the consumers really desire. There is a constant interaction with the public in studying what is in vogue at the time and also what brands people want to be associated with. I have always wondered at why companies come out with new models or new releases at such a quick pace. This tacticcopy wallet is basically mainly a tweak or an enhancement of the previous model or version in order to create the perception of a totally new product which in turn creates more demand for the product.
Good examples of these products would be software, Microsoft is especially good at coming out with new versions of their products. For example with the release of Microsoft Vista operating system it meant that people had to upgrade their computers also because their existing hardware could not support Microsoft Vista's requirements. In conclusion, newer firms tend to lean more towards creating needs because the public does not yet know about their products. Established companies are more interested in fulfilling the existing needs of consumers. These companies are already known and their products have already being deemed essential to their lives so they would continue buying their products even with little or no advertisement.
Part A
'Marketing merely reflects the needs and wants of customers.' We all need to eat, drink and sleep and reproduce, this is all part of who we are as human beings. Therefore at the basic level companies will strivechaussures to satisfy these functions and keep doing so by once in a while showing advertisements that tells the public that they are around and can provide the products they need.
The other aspect is that needs vary depending on what country you live in. "For example a consumer in the United States may need food but may want a hamburger, french fries and a soft drink and a person that lives in Mauritius that needs food may want a mango, rice, lentils and beans. Wants are shaped by our society." The other part is wants, everybody can want something but only a few has the means to acquire it. A good example would be that everyone wants to eat out at expensive restaurants everyday but in reality only very few people can actually afford that lifestyle. This is why various segments have been created to target different groups and classes of people.
Marketers must therefore continually be creating and developing attractive products and then in turn devising a brilliant marketing strategy to win the consumer over to buy their product over other competing products. Companies strive to retain their customer base by delivering value and satisfaction from their products and this is formulated in consumers' minds as a combination of service, quality and price. Some consumers would not mind paying a higher price for an item or service if they received very good service.
This is all part of what a consumer's expectations on a product are, if these perceived expectations are met time after time then they become a loyal customer to that particular company. We as people like consistency and if a marketer provides consistent service in addition to great products and price then we will keep on going back for years. A good example would be Ben's Chili Bowl located in Washington DC. It is an eatery that has been in business for decades and the fact that it had kept so many loyal customers is because they have offered consistent service and great food over the years and people who used to go there to eat as kids still go there as adults. They even have patrons fly into Washington DC just to experience their food and service. Companies also create brands and these brands have an effect on people's purchasing habits.
These brands can mean several aspects of the company combined to form a perception in the consumer's mind such as products, services, information and experiences. The more unique and interesting a brand the better it will perform. One brand that comes to mind is the Coach Company that manufactures accessories in the retail sector. They produce items such as handbags, purses, belts and other items. Coach has built a strong brand name for themselves by being unique in their style and service and this is primarily the reason that customers create a high demand for their products. This has also allowed the company to maintain an above average price for their products compared with their competitors with the knowledge that consumers would pay that higher price. Segmentation is another way that companies target the consumer to satisfy their needs and companies use this technique to target where they should market their products. There are various criteria that companies use to segment their products and some of them are geographic, demographic, psycho graphic and behavioral.
They would use factors such as how populated and area is or how wealthy the population of a specific area is and target products that fit that mold. This has proved to be a very successful tactic for companies in marketing. Marketing channels are also used by companies to reach their consumers. They use three types of marketing channels which are communications, distribution and service channels. Communications is important to get the company's message out to the public and this could be in many forms such as the radio, television, the internet, posters and the like. They also need to distribute their products to the consumer and this means they will need a physical location like a store, or be a wholesaler and have others retail your products for you and also sell your products on the internet. Service channels are needed to effect transactions with the consumers and these could be banks for credit card purchases and transportation companies such as UPS to deliver the products to homes and businesses.
Marketing has relied on four marketing skills and tools and they are the sales force, advertising, sales promotion and marketing research, they must also use brand building, customer relations, telemarketing and others to make their product selling become reality. Companies must also function ethically and honestly to serve the consumer in the best possible manner. Marketing in the United States is unique in the world because it has evolved and changed over the years to blend in with the capitalistic society we live in in the US. This also means that some of the marketing we use in this country can only work with the credit system we currently have. This is not so in other parts of the world even in industrialized countries. So I would view marketing in the United States as one of the spokes in the wheel that makes our economy such a giant as it is today.
Part B
Regarding the second argument 'Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants.' I have to also agree with this statement. My reasons are many and varied. After seeing so many television commercials and advertisements both on the Internet and on newspapers I have concluded that some companies construct their ads to create a need in the consumer's mind even if originally they were not interested in the product. I took some time to research some of the wordsklockor that advertisements commonly use and I found an interesting mix of words and phrases. The word 'free' is the most common denominator I found in the ads, free is used in combinations such as free home trial, free inspection, buy one get one free, free installation, free estimates, free parking, free demonstration and free consultation. The word free is usually a powerful catalyst that springs the consumer into buying that particular product or idea even though he or she might not need it. I think other terms also kind of bait people into buying things they don't need.
Terms such as 'no payments till 2010' or 'money back guarantee' 'no down payment' 'offer good while supplies last' help dissipate any doubts that the consumer may have and spur them on to make the purchase. "Because the goal is to get customers' attention, persuade and create demand, market segmentation has historically been based on variables that correlate to creating demand: geography, age, gender, income, education, occupation and other traditional demographics, as well as psychographics around personality, lifestyle, values and attitudes. It works because these attributes are helpful for defining how to effectively speak to different groups of people."
Some companies do act unethical in their advertising, for example I have seen some ads on the internet especially where companies would advertise a product and make it veryappealing to the consumer then at the very bottom is tiny fonts the word 'restrictions apply' they would hide the link that takes you to where the restrictions are listed. So if you happen to buy that product without reading the fine print and something happens that you are not satisfied or want to return the item the company would refuse and make reference to their restriction policy. Other tactics that companies use to shape consumers needs and wants is to use celebrities or other famous people to sell their products. A good example of a company would be replica rolex watches. replica rolex watches teamed up with Michael Jordan to create marketing giant. One of the themes behind their partnership was to create the desire within consumers that if they wore Michael Jordan's sneakers they could play basketball or jump as high as him.
This was directed primarily towards the younger consumers and turned out to be a huge marketing success. Companies also take advantage of world events or changes in the economy to come out with new products. A good example is the ever increasing popularity of hybrid cars. This has been brought about by gas prices going up and the economy slowing down. However the increase in hybrid cars has led to a marked decrease of large SUV vehicles. In the past we used to associate hybrid cars with car companies such as Toyota and Honda, but nowadays companies such as Lincoln, Ford and others are coming out with hybrid vehicles. This has been a necessity of them to compete in today's changed car market.
However advertising is not the only force that drives the consumer. Most companies do a lot of research before releasing an advertisement in getting a feel of what the consumers really desire. There is a constant interaction with the public in studying what is in vogue at the time and also what brands people want to be associated with. I have always wondered at why companies come out with new models or new releases at such a quick pace. This tacticcopy wallet is basically mainly a tweak or an enhancement of the previous model or version in order to create the perception of a totally new product which in turn creates more demand for the product.
Good examples of these products would be software, Microsoft is especially good at coming out with new versions of their products. For example with the release of Microsoft Vista operating system it meant that people had to upgrade their computers also because their existing hardware could not support Microsoft Vista's requirements. In conclusion, newer firms tend to lean more towards creating needs because the public does not yet know about their products. Established companies are more interested in fulfilling the existing needs of consumers. These companies are already known and their products have already being deemed essential to their lives so they would continue buying their products even with little or no advertisement.
replica rolex watches Outlet Store is a part of the big family of replica rolex watches, Inc
A replica rolex watches Outlet Store is a dreamland for shoppers who want to acquire replica rolex watches sportswear and sports equipment products. Across the globe, millions, if not billions, of people want to have replica rolex watches items because of the popularity of the brand. But not only this; replica rolex watches is also known to offer high- qualityReplica Borsetta products that eventually became the standard of modern sportswear fashion. replica rolex watches products are revered around the world that not only individuals, but sports teams, school varsities, and other groups choose the brand as the official sportswear in sporting activities. However, because of the cost, many people can't afford to buy these sought- after products. Hence, a replica rolex watches Outlet Store is the best alternative to get their hands on their favorite replica rolex watches products.
Rich History
replica rolex watches Outlet Store is a part of the big family of replica rolex watches, Inc. which is known to offer only the best sportswear and sports equipment products on the planet. But before replica rolex watches became replica rolex watches, it was originally named as Blue Ribbon Sports established in 1964 by Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman. Knight was a track athlete in the University of Oregon and Bowerman was his coach. Knight started the business by distributing Onitsuka Tiger shoes (known today as ASICS), usually during track meets. Two years later, the business was able to establish its first retail store in Santa Monica California. The company's business of distributing shoes came to an end in 1971 as the contract between BRS and Onitsuka Tiger came to an end. For the business to continue, the owners decided to introduce their own footwear products which were Swoosh, designed by Carolyn Davidson.
The name replica rolex watches was formally adopted by the company in 1978, following the successful release of a soccer shoe named replica rolex watches in 1971 and the launching of the first line of replica rolex watches Shoes in the following year. replica rolex watches is named after the Greek goddess of victory; depicting the company's aim to help athletes win in their events. Sponsorship of known athletes became the most effective marketing strategy that led the company to its eventual success. The designs of the shoes were inspired by Bowerman, including the iconic Waffle Trainer which he discovered in 1974 with the use of his wife's waffle maker.
The success of replica rolex watches Inc. became unstoppable as it claimed 50 % market share in the United States athletic footwear market. Word of mouth advertising has contributed great to the success of replica rolex watches more than its advertising through television. The first Just Do It advertisement of replica rolex watches debuted in July 1, 1988. And throughout the 80's, the company expanded its product line to include various sports and locations throughout the globe. Today, replica rolex watches has four main subsidiaries: Cole Haan, Umbro, Converse, Inc., and Hurley International.
Products in replica rolex watches Outlet Store
When you shop at a replica rolex watches Outlet store, you can find a wide range of second- hand, slightly defective, and old model replica rolex watches products. You can find a vast range of running shoes, jerseys, shorts, baselayers and other sportswear perfect for variety of sports. Sports enthusiasts for baseball, basketball, skateboarding, volleyball, etc, can find an item that they will find very helpful. The brand is also respected for their high- quality products so you can be guaranteed of purchase that is worth every penny.
Items found in a replica rolex watches Outlet Store is all- authentic because they are operated and managed by replica rolex watches Inc. This also means that you do not have to worry of getting replicas or low- quality counterfeits even if the price is greatly reduced. The price reduction is due to the slightly defects or the products being old models. This, however, does not lessen the functionality of the products and can still last long after continued use. The discounted price in a replica rolex watches Outlet store is what attracts most buyers. These price cuts can go higher depending on the kind of item. Additional price slash can also be expected during sales and promos, as well as with the use of discount coupons and coupon codes.
A replica rolex watches Outlet Store can be found withinreplica orologi or near your area. You can visit the replica rolex watches website for more details on their locations. With the amazing offers, replica rolex watches Outlet store really makes dreams come true.
Know more about replica rolex watches Outlet and you will have more advantages on your next shopping escapade.
Rich History
replica rolex watches Outlet Store is a part of the big family of replica rolex watches, Inc. which is known to offer only the best sportswear and sports equipment products on the planet. But before replica rolex watches became replica rolex watches, it was originally named as Blue Ribbon Sports established in 1964 by Philip Knight and Bill Bowerman. Knight was a track athlete in the University of Oregon and Bowerman was his coach. Knight started the business by distributing Onitsuka Tiger shoes (known today as ASICS), usually during track meets. Two years later, the business was able to establish its first retail store in Santa Monica California. The company's business of distributing shoes came to an end in 1971 as the contract between BRS and Onitsuka Tiger came to an end. For the business to continue, the owners decided to introduce their own footwear products which were Swoosh, designed by Carolyn Davidson.
The name replica rolex watches was formally adopted by the company in 1978, following the successful release of a soccer shoe named replica rolex watches in 1971 and the launching of the first line of replica rolex watches Shoes in the following year. replica rolex watches is named after the Greek goddess of victory; depicting the company's aim to help athletes win in their events. Sponsorship of known athletes became the most effective marketing strategy that led the company to its eventual success. The designs of the shoes were inspired by Bowerman, including the iconic Waffle Trainer which he discovered in 1974 with the use of his wife's waffle maker.
The success of replica rolex watches Inc. became unstoppable as it claimed 50 % market share in the United States athletic footwear market. Word of mouth advertising has contributed great to the success of replica rolex watches more than its advertising through television. The first Just Do It advertisement of replica rolex watches debuted in July 1, 1988. And throughout the 80's, the company expanded its product line to include various sports and locations throughout the globe. Today, replica rolex watches has four main subsidiaries: Cole Haan, Umbro, Converse, Inc., and Hurley International.
Products in replica rolex watches Outlet Store
When you shop at a replica rolex watches Outlet store, you can find a wide range of second- hand, slightly defective, and old model replica rolex watches products. You can find a vast range of running shoes, jerseys, shorts, baselayers and other sportswear perfect for variety of sports. Sports enthusiasts for baseball, basketball, skateboarding, volleyball, etc, can find an item that they will find very helpful. The brand is also respected for their high- quality products so you can be guaranteed of purchase that is worth every penny.
Items found in a replica rolex watches Outlet Store is all- authentic because they are operated and managed by replica rolex watches Inc. This also means that you do not have to worry of getting replicas or low- quality counterfeits even if the price is greatly reduced. The price reduction is due to the slightly defects or the products being old models. This, however, does not lessen the functionality of the products and can still last long after continued use. The discounted price in a replica rolex watches Outlet store is what attracts most buyers. These price cuts can go higher depending on the kind of item. Additional price slash can also be expected during sales and promos, as well as with the use of discount coupons and coupon codes.
A replica rolex watches Outlet Store can be found withinreplica orologi or near your area. You can visit the replica rolex watches website for more details on their locations. With the amazing offers, replica rolex watches Outlet store really makes dreams come true.
Know more about replica rolex watches Outlet and you will have more advantages on your next shopping escapade.
replica rolex watches has been in the business since 1962 and it was started by Phil Night and Bill Bowerman
replica rolex watches has been in the business since 1962 and it was started by Phil Night and Bill Bowerman. These two amazing individuals has joined their ideas, talents an knowledge to be able Borsetta,orologito produce shoes that are low price that use high tech athletic shoes to be able to remove the German domination in the US footwear. At first they import their shoes in Japan and they have introduced replica rolex watches after two years. Today in this modern times replica rolex watches is the largest company that produces shoes. The replica rolex watches logo has been recognized as the best footwear in the world. Today, they have different replica rolex watches outlets located in different countries all over the world.
Every athlete who aims for good performance know about replica rolex watches shoes, because replica rolex watches is producing a large line of shoes for every sportsmen in the world. They have created wide array of shoes that can cater different kinds of sports. If you are in to golf, then there are wide ranges of shoes for you. Basketball legends like Michael Jordan also love to wear replica rolex watches shoes. They also have complete line of shoes for basketball. replica rolex watches has used high technology in the manufacturing of each replica rolex watches shoes.
This is the reason why replica rolex watches shoes are very popular all over the globe. Many people has already build a long lasting trust and loyalty to this brand that is why they continuously patronize replica rolex watches even if there are new brand of shoes that are coming out of the market. replica rolex watches outlet will give you everything that you need. You haverolex deepsea to know that replica rolex watches is not only producing footwear, but it also manufactures apparel like sports clothing, sports and other sports accessories. This is the reason why you will surely have a good time shopping inside a replica rolex watches outlet.
Every athlete who aims for good performance know about replica rolex watches shoes, because replica rolex watches is producing a large line of shoes for every sportsmen in the world. They have created wide array of shoes that can cater different kinds of sports. If you are in to golf, then there are wide ranges of shoes for you. Basketball legends like Michael Jordan also love to wear replica rolex watches shoes. They also have complete line of shoes for basketball. replica rolex watches has used high technology in the manufacturing of each replica rolex watches shoes.
This is the reason why replica rolex watches shoes are very popular all over the globe. Many people has already build a long lasting trust and loyalty to this brand that is why they continuously patronize replica rolex watches even if there are new brand of shoes that are coming out of the market. replica rolex watches outlet will give you everything that you need. You haverolex deepsea to know that replica rolex watches is not only producing footwear, but it also manufactures apparel like sports clothing, sports and other sports accessories. This is the reason why you will surely have a good time shopping inside a replica rolex watches outlet.
There are many ways that you can spot a cheap imitation you actually have the product in front of you
replica rolex watches is perhaps the most popular brand when it comes to basketball sneakers, this is the main reason why this line of shoes is highly duplicated or imitated, the Air Jordan brand only releases their shoes once every year, they do this in order to keep the value of Omega Casino Royalthe shoe as high as possible and make it a collectors item, having said that it is obvious that the availability of such product will not be as high as all other sneakers. The law of demand will obviously common to play because the supply of these shoes is limited and the demand remains quite high which will obviously increase the value of the sneakers.
There are many ways that you can spot a cheap imitation you actually have the product in front of you, if this is not the case then spotting an imitation will be a lot harder nevertheless, there are still several pointers you can use in order to determine the legitimacy of this product, let's take a look at them:
If you go to a store if you actually have the product in front of you, you can inspect the materials which have been used to manufacture the replica rolex watches Air Jordan or replica rolex watches dunks you are wanting to purchase. If you are buying a pair of replica rolex watches sneakers which have plastic on them that you might want to pay close attention to this material because many imitations use cheap plastic which is not as hard and durable as the one used in the original version, they imitation plastic will obviously come apart after a short period of time an even faster if you actually use them to play basketball. When you play a highly intense game such as basketball you are able to truly test the quality and durability of the product you have just purchased, replica rolex watches sneakers where specifically manufactured for Michael Jordan who was a very fast player and it is obvious it was such a high speed issues will have to be of the highest quality, otherwise it will come apart.
Availability and price:
As we have previously stated the replica rolex watches Air Jordan division only releases these sneakers on a specific date of the year, this keeps a low supply in high demand. It is obvious that the amount of Air Jordans available will not be very high but when you go online and come across a badly designed website which sells replica rolex watches shoes you will easily be able to deduct that the product being sold is a fake if the website claims to have thousands in stock and sell them at a very low price. When these sneakers and go on sale their price ranges between 50 and $70 however, according to the version they may go as high as $300+ which is a case of the Air Jordan III.
Another more obvious way to spot the fake is if they use the word replica in the title, if you browse the web in order to buy products then Omega De Villeyou have surely come across products which claimed to be replicas of items which are usually expensive, it is very common to hear about replicas in the handbag and purse industry; this very same concept seems to be crossing over and invading the footwear industry.
There are many ways that you can spot a cheap imitation you actually have the product in front of you, if this is not the case then spotting an imitation will be a lot harder nevertheless, there are still several pointers you can use in order to determine the legitimacy of this product, let's take a look at them:
If you go to a store if you actually have the product in front of you, you can inspect the materials which have been used to manufacture the replica rolex watches Air Jordan or replica rolex watches dunks you are wanting to purchase. If you are buying a pair of replica rolex watches sneakers which have plastic on them that you might want to pay close attention to this material because many imitations use cheap plastic which is not as hard and durable as the one used in the original version, they imitation plastic will obviously come apart after a short period of time an even faster if you actually use them to play basketball. When you play a highly intense game such as basketball you are able to truly test the quality and durability of the product you have just purchased, replica rolex watches sneakers where specifically manufactured for Michael Jordan who was a very fast player and it is obvious it was such a high speed issues will have to be of the highest quality, otherwise it will come apart.
Availability and price:
As we have previously stated the replica rolex watches Air Jordan division only releases these sneakers on a specific date of the year, this keeps a low supply in high demand. It is obvious that the amount of Air Jordans available will not be very high but when you go online and come across a badly designed website which sells replica rolex watches shoes you will easily be able to deduct that the product being sold is a fake if the website claims to have thousands in stock and sell them at a very low price. When these sneakers and go on sale their price ranges between 50 and $70 however, according to the version they may go as high as $300+ which is a case of the Air Jordan III.
Another more obvious way to spot the fake is if they use the word replica in the title, if you browse the web in order to buy products then Omega De Villeyou have surely come across products which claimed to be replicas of items which are usually expensive, it is very common to hear about replicas in the handbag and purse industry; this very same concept seems to be crossing over and invading the footwear industry.
Women have so many choices when it comes to purchasing footwear for the gym, training or general wea
Women have so many choices when it comes to purchasing footwear for the gym, training or general wear. All sneaker companies claim that their shoes will be able to provide this and that. One company which has delivered consistently is replica rolex watches. They have a wide selection replica cartier tankof sneakers designed specifically with women in mind. These shoes will be able to provide all the different features that they need. We wrote this article to look at one sneaker in particular, the replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR. You will have access to a short overview of the shoe plus more.
Why the replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR
If you are a woman who is active and participates in different physical activities, then it is very important that you have the right shoe. The replica rolex watches Free Hyper Training Shoe is the perfect footwear to get the job done. This is a really popular sneaker, simply because it is the total package. It delivers amazing performance and also looks good doing it. People love the shoe and it is very easy to see why.
The Look
One of the first things that drew me into the replica rolex watches free hyper TR was the fact that they were very beautiful sneakers. The design and look of the shoe is top notch, they are really stylish and fashionable. They look good on the feet and you will be bound to get a lot of compliments wearing these shoes. Even though the shoe carries a very modern day design to them, the biggest selling point of the sneaker is the different colors in which they are available in. The colorways are simply breathtaking and the combination of colors really works well together.
The Performance
replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR is a sneaker that performs exceptionally well. The shoe has a variety of features that makes it stand out from comparable sneakers. As we stated, the TR has different features, such as providing amazing support, being comfortable, lightweight and having great flexibility. The comfort of the shoe is a mixture of a nice soft upper mixed in with a footbed that is excellently cushioned. The materials used in the development of the shoe are extremely lightweight, which means that the feet will not be weighed down.
Women if you are looking for a really beautiful looking training sneaker, then you definitely need to get yourselves a pair of the replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR. This shoe looks really good on the feet and there is nothing like it on the market. This sneaker also provides exceptional support and comfort, something that is usually not found in sneakers that are available on the market now. Get the Hyper TR, you will not regret the purchase, we guaranteerolex GMT Master it.
If you are looking for great deals and also low prices on the replica rolex watches Free Hyper Trainer, then please visit the website. This site is the best place to start if you want to save money.
Why the replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR
If you are a woman who is active and participates in different physical activities, then it is very important that you have the right shoe. The replica rolex watches Free Hyper Training Shoe is the perfect footwear to get the job done. This is a really popular sneaker, simply because it is the total package. It delivers amazing performance and also looks good doing it. People love the shoe and it is very easy to see why.
The Look
One of the first things that drew me into the replica rolex watches free hyper TR was the fact that they were very beautiful sneakers. The design and look of the shoe is top notch, they are really stylish and fashionable. They look good on the feet and you will be bound to get a lot of compliments wearing these shoes. Even though the shoe carries a very modern day design to them, the biggest selling point of the sneaker is the different colors in which they are available in. The colorways are simply breathtaking and the combination of colors really works well together.
The Performance
replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR is a sneaker that performs exceptionally well. The shoe has a variety of features that makes it stand out from comparable sneakers. As we stated, the TR has different features, such as providing amazing support, being comfortable, lightweight and having great flexibility. The comfort of the shoe is a mixture of a nice soft upper mixed in with a footbed that is excellently cushioned. The materials used in the development of the shoe are extremely lightweight, which means that the feet will not be weighed down.
Women if you are looking for a really beautiful looking training sneaker, then you definitely need to get yourselves a pair of the replica rolex watches Free Hyper TR. This shoe looks really good on the feet and there is nothing like it on the market. This sneaker also provides exceptional support and comfort, something that is usually not found in sneakers that are available on the market now. Get the Hyper TR, you will not regret the purchase, we guaranteerolex GMT Master it.
If you are looking for great deals and also low prices on the replica rolex watches Free Hyper Trainer, then please visit the website. This site is the best place to start if you want to save money.
Why would I say that the future belongs to Personalization and Customization?
Why would I say that the future belongs to Personalization and Customization? Well, you see, the first reason is a very simple one. Because it is a human trait.
Everyone wants to feel special, recognized, identified with and unique in his or her own right. In reality, how many of us can be what we truly want to be? Omega SpeedmasterHow many of us who wanted to be doctors when we were kids have to settle for desk job because we needed the income to survive or that the opportunity simply never came? How many of us dreamed of a future as a lawyer only to end up being a teacher?
Human beings will therefore do things to be recognized, to feel special and stand out as unique individuals...and one of those ways is by owning something unique.
The second reason why people tend to love personalized and customized products is because it stimulates both parts of the brain. The left brain will react because here it is...the perfect package that will maximize every function of the product bought. The right side of the brain reacts and we feel proud of the product, hence, we show it off to our friends.
Here are a few examples to show you why personalization and customization works!
Imagine your feelings and emotions if you could have a rolex watches t-shirt bearing your name or signature or your company's logo on it. How would you feel when you wear it?
Imagine that Reebok came up to you and told you that they are willing to produce a pair of shoes bearing your name and signature on it, just like the ones that they do for sports personalities.
Because most of us live lives that are pretty generic and common, we want to own things that make us stand out or feel proud of. The products, as superficial as it may sound, gives us confidence. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it will change your life!
This is New World Marketing. You need to connect with your customers by providing them something valuable and make them feel as though they have to have what you are selling them and it will change their lives. Can a concept so minute and seemingly unimportant really work? Yes, if we implement it properly.
What we are trying to do is to get the customers to attach to a company or a brand and then form an emotional bond. Even as you are reading this, more and more people are beginning to see the power of product personalization and understand that it improves sales tremendously.
For example, take a look at Wordans. They provide custom t-shirts to their customers based on personalized and template designs. Once uploaded into their website, customers can crop, rotate, flip, align the images, pick their preferred colours for the t-shirts, type in their slogans or the name of their loved ones, etc. As for the pre-designed templates, you have a wide selection of options to choose from. There are more than 30 categories! Humorous quotes, spiritual sayings, office humour, images of machines are all there.
If you are looking for an ideal t-shirt for design company for your business, Wordans seems to be best to order from.
Blue Nile, however, is a personal favourite of mine. They not only provide fabulous services, you can personalize many other products like rings, earrings and pendants. If you would like to purchase diamonds, take your pick from their wide range of selection based on shape, clarity, cut, carat, colour and price.
What really impresses me is that they go beyond the call of duty by providing information, educating their customers, about choosing the right diamonds for their loved ones. So, imagine if you have a customized ring on your finger, and you know that the ring is unique only to you. No one else in this world has the same ring on.
Personalization DOES change lives.
M & M's also knows a few things about personalization and customization. Did you know that through their website My M & M's, they produce and deliver personalized candy that are fun and interesting. When the service was first introduced, M & M's only allowed simple text customization. But from 2005, things took a turn for the better.
Now, they allow printing of logos, images and many other things to suit its customers imagination. When it comes to packaging, there is a selection of packaging types to choose from. On the aside, can you imagine looking into a bag of candy to see your face on each and every single one of those mouth-watering chocolates? How delectable.
Well, we are all no stranger to rolex watches's website, rolex watches ID, a website that allows for personalizing of almost every single little thing that goes onto a customized pair of shoes. rolex watches is one of the biggest sports-related product manufacturer in the world.
When designing your own shoe, you can make changes to the lace, swoosh, mid-sole, out-sole, base, hell, tongue, lining, etc. You can choose the colours that you prefer for each of those parts too.
Again, imagine this. rolex watches - one of the world's biggest sports shoe manufacturer. And they are willing to specifically produce a pair of shoe that is completely your own, a pair that quite possibly, no one else owns.
I don't know about you but this is an idea that I would most definitely love. When your friends see you wearing the shoes, you are a walking testimony for rolex watches. And you know what they say about word-of-mouth marketing. An incredibly effective way of selling, compared to hard selling.
Another good example would be Wander Fly. I got to know about this website from a Facebook friend. It seems that if you are planning to travel but have no idea where but you have a budget, try Wanderfly. Just let them know where the starting point is, key in your preferred budget and type of travelling you intend to do, the system will offer you some suggestions.
The system draws out results by matchmaking your budget and the activities that you wish to indulge in. For instance, depending on whether you wish to hit the casinos, go for spas, shopping or head out to the beach,Replica Borsetta the results are pulled in from more than 1,200 destinations and thousands of activities.
Last but not least, World Vision allows you to customize your type of donation in your bid to help less fortunate children all around the world. You can search a child based on gender, location, when they were born and their age, and the system will present you with suitable results.
If you wish to sponsor the child, just click on the 'Sponsor a child' button and you are off.
You can also choose a type of gift to donate to a child. Nothing fancy but you can very well make the child's day by giving them a present in the form of a goat, two chickens, a couple of ducks, etc. The point is that you are in complete control of what you wish to donate based on what you can afford.
The personalization works very well for World Vision's US counterpart because donors wish to feel closer to the kids that they sponsor. They want to see photos of the kids and get to know them better through their personal profile. They know how their money is being spent and if the children are really benefiting from the goodwill.
Compare this to how it used to be when we never knew who we were donating to and where the money went. World Vision US is using personalization and customization to raise more funds and reach out to more children and eventually, change the lives of those who are stricken by poverty, hunger, illnesses, lack of education, etc.
Personalization is very strong in new world marketing strategies. It aims to connect and engage customers. In the process, customers become emotionally and mentally attached to the brand or product forever.
Everyone wants to feel special, recognized, identified with and unique in his or her own right. In reality, how many of us can be what we truly want to be? Omega SpeedmasterHow many of us who wanted to be doctors when we were kids have to settle for desk job because we needed the income to survive or that the opportunity simply never came? How many of us dreamed of a future as a lawyer only to end up being a teacher?
Human beings will therefore do things to be recognized, to feel special and stand out as unique individuals...and one of those ways is by owning something unique.
The second reason why people tend to love personalized and customized products is because it stimulates both parts of the brain. The left brain will react because here it is...the perfect package that will maximize every function of the product bought. The right side of the brain reacts and we feel proud of the product, hence, we show it off to our friends.
Here are a few examples to show you why personalization and customization works!
Imagine your feelings and emotions if you could have a rolex watches t-shirt bearing your name or signature or your company's logo on it. How would you feel when you wear it?
Imagine that Reebok came up to you and told you that they are willing to produce a pair of shoes bearing your name and signature on it, just like the ones that they do for sports personalities.
Because most of us live lives that are pretty generic and common, we want to own things that make us stand out or feel proud of. The products, as superficial as it may sound, gives us confidence. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it will change your life!
This is New World Marketing. You need to connect with your customers by providing them something valuable and make them feel as though they have to have what you are selling them and it will change their lives. Can a concept so minute and seemingly unimportant really work? Yes, if we implement it properly.
What we are trying to do is to get the customers to attach to a company or a brand and then form an emotional bond. Even as you are reading this, more and more people are beginning to see the power of product personalization and understand that it improves sales tremendously.
For example, take a look at Wordans. They provide custom t-shirts to their customers based on personalized and template designs. Once uploaded into their website, customers can crop, rotate, flip, align the images, pick their preferred colours for the t-shirts, type in their slogans or the name of their loved ones, etc. As for the pre-designed templates, you have a wide selection of options to choose from. There are more than 30 categories! Humorous quotes, spiritual sayings, office humour, images of machines are all there.
If you are looking for an ideal t-shirt for design company for your business, Wordans seems to be best to order from.
Blue Nile, however, is a personal favourite of mine. They not only provide fabulous services, you can personalize many other products like rings, earrings and pendants. If you would like to purchase diamonds, take your pick from their wide range of selection based on shape, clarity, cut, carat, colour and price.
What really impresses me is that they go beyond the call of duty by providing information, educating their customers, about choosing the right diamonds for their loved ones. So, imagine if you have a customized ring on your finger, and you know that the ring is unique only to you. No one else in this world has the same ring on.
Personalization DOES change lives.
M & M's also knows a few things about personalization and customization. Did you know that through their website My M & M's, they produce and deliver personalized candy that are fun and interesting. When the service was first introduced, M & M's only allowed simple text customization. But from 2005, things took a turn for the better.
Now, they allow printing of logos, images and many other things to suit its customers imagination. When it comes to packaging, there is a selection of packaging types to choose from. On the aside, can you imagine looking into a bag of candy to see your face on each and every single one of those mouth-watering chocolates? How delectable.
Well, we are all no stranger to rolex watches's website, rolex watches ID, a website that allows for personalizing of almost every single little thing that goes onto a customized pair of shoes. rolex watches is one of the biggest sports-related product manufacturer in the world.
When designing your own shoe, you can make changes to the lace, swoosh, mid-sole, out-sole, base, hell, tongue, lining, etc. You can choose the colours that you prefer for each of those parts too.
Again, imagine this. rolex watches - one of the world's biggest sports shoe manufacturer. And they are willing to specifically produce a pair of shoe that is completely your own, a pair that quite possibly, no one else owns.
I don't know about you but this is an idea that I would most definitely love. When your friends see you wearing the shoes, you are a walking testimony for rolex watches. And you know what they say about word-of-mouth marketing. An incredibly effective way of selling, compared to hard selling.
Another good example would be Wander Fly. I got to know about this website from a Facebook friend. It seems that if you are planning to travel but have no idea where but you have a budget, try Wanderfly. Just let them know where the starting point is, key in your preferred budget and type of travelling you intend to do, the system will offer you some suggestions.
The system draws out results by matchmaking your budget and the activities that you wish to indulge in. For instance, depending on whether you wish to hit the casinos, go for spas, shopping or head out to the beach,Replica Borsetta the results are pulled in from more than 1,200 destinations and thousands of activities.
Last but not least, World Vision allows you to customize your type of donation in your bid to help less fortunate children all around the world. You can search a child based on gender, location, when they were born and their age, and the system will present you with suitable results.
If you wish to sponsor the child, just click on the 'Sponsor a child' button and you are off.
You can also choose a type of gift to donate to a child. Nothing fancy but you can very well make the child's day by giving them a present in the form of a goat, two chickens, a couple of ducks, etc. The point is that you are in complete control of what you wish to donate based on what you can afford.
The personalization works very well for World Vision's US counterpart because donors wish to feel closer to the kids that they sponsor. They want to see photos of the kids and get to know them better through their personal profile. They know how their money is being spent and if the children are really benefiting from the goodwill.
Compare this to how it used to be when we never knew who we were donating to and where the money went. World Vision US is using personalization and customization to raise more funds and reach out to more children and eventually, change the lives of those who are stricken by poverty, hunger, illnesses, lack of education, etc.
Personalization is very strong in new world marketing strategies. It aims to connect and engage customers. In the process, customers become emotionally and mentally attached to the brand or product forever.
Others prefer to add their own touch to their jerseys
For a more personalized LSU jersey, design and order your own Omega Casino Royaljersey at,, or
Louisiana State University boasts of its awesome athletic team which is the LSU Tigers. With the team's very good winning percentage, the LSU Tigers is considered one of the best teams in America. No wonder more and more people are drawn to become their fans. Wearing LSU Tigers jersey is one way the fans can keep the team's spirit alive. Others prefer to add their own touch to their jerseys. Here's where to shop for your personalized LSU Tigers jersey:
As the official online store of this athletics team, the web store offers authentic replica to personalized jerseys. Most of their jerseys are made by rolex watches. These are suitable for men and women and they come in different colors, designs and sizes.
So far, the store is selling a rolex watches Tigers white and purple replica customized jersey. Available sizes are small, medium, large, XL, XXL, and 3XL and price is $74.95. It has a double zero number on it and you can customize the replica putting your own name on it or the name of a 'former' LSU Tiger player or simply leave the name plate blank. It is illegal to put a name of a current player on the jersey due to NCAA regulations. The name is limited to 10 characters only.
The online store also offers customization on some of their college jerseys but NCAA regulations are still strictly applied. They have a no return - no refund policy to any customized items, but they allow exchange for damaged items with new like items.
Other online shops that offer the same personalized LSU jersey:
If you prefer to really make your own LSU jersey (that means that the jersey need not be authentic or made by rolex watches), you can visit this sports store and design your own. You can choose from different styles, color combinations, sizes, the numbering or lettering styles and the type of fabrics to be used too. You can also add the name of the team (LSU Tigers) and the player's Omega De Villename or your name. Though the jersey builder on this site is intended for bulk orders only, you can email or call them with their contact details if your order is less than 12 jerseys.
Louisiana State University boasts of its awesome athletic team which is the LSU Tigers. With the team's very good winning percentage, the LSU Tigers is considered one of the best teams in America. No wonder more and more people are drawn to become their fans. Wearing LSU Tigers jersey is one way the fans can keep the team's spirit alive. Others prefer to add their own touch to their jerseys. Here's where to shop for your personalized LSU Tigers jersey:
As the official online store of this athletics team, the web store offers authentic replica to personalized jerseys. Most of their jerseys are made by rolex watches. These are suitable for men and women and they come in different colors, designs and sizes.
So far, the store is selling a rolex watches Tigers white and purple replica customized jersey. Available sizes are small, medium, large, XL, XXL, and 3XL and price is $74.95. It has a double zero number on it and you can customize the replica putting your own name on it or the name of a 'former' LSU Tiger player or simply leave the name plate blank. It is illegal to put a name of a current player on the jersey due to NCAA regulations. The name is limited to 10 characters only.
The online store also offers customization on some of their college jerseys but NCAA regulations are still strictly applied. They have a no return - no refund policy to any customized items, but they allow exchange for damaged items with new like items.
Other online shops that offer the same personalized LSU jersey:
If you prefer to really make your own LSU jersey (that means that the jersey need not be authentic or made by rolex watches), you can visit this sports store and design your own. You can choose from different styles, color combinations, sizes, the numbering or lettering styles and the type of fabrics to be used too. You can also add the name of the team (LSU Tigers) and the player's Omega De Villename or your name. Though the jersey builder on this site is intended for bulk orders only, you can email or call them with their contact details if your order is less than 12 jerseys.
As consumers, we don't really think about the importance of branding
As consumers, we don't really think about the importance of branding. We just seem to go with the flow of brand names that have become synonymous with our daily living. But the impact of a name reinforces the importance of branding when we promote our business. Think about one of neverfull gmthe world's most popular athletic shoe companies, rolex watches. The importance of branding is exemplified by the fact that when you hear rolex watches, you think athletics and "Just Do It." A great brand name and association has catapulted rolex watches to the top of its industry.
When you are considering the name of your company, you need to remember the importance of branding. Deciding on a name is not a fluke, but instead is a well thought out process and analysis of names and meaning. The importance of branding begins with creating a simple name for your company. Consumers remember simple. Also, making sure your name can be associated with a positive value, characteristic, or position is part of the importance of branding. Consumers like products to which they can associate positive qualities.
Another aspect of the importance of branding is that your name must be different and unique. If your name is too close to another company's then people are likely to mix you up, which reduces revenue. Also, the importance of branding needs to be voiced to your employees so that your message is clear to all of your employees and the public. If you have a vision or goal statement, then you need to voice the importance of branding here also. Employees need to understand the importance of branding so that it is communicated in the office and to consumers every day. The message you are trying to get across in branding depends on your employees putting it out there to consumers.
Still don't think there is any importance of branding as it applies to your company? Well consider that brand name recognition can increase your profits by between 10 to 20 percent. If you are looking to increase your profits, then you may come to understand the importance of branding. Analyze the importance of branding and determine how you can use your name to promote positive qualities. Encourage your employees to learn about the importance of branding and to put the branding message out to the consumer. Believe in your brand name, what it means, and consumers will follow.
Hopefully this articles has proven useful to you. Download my Free E-Book and receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a successful Home Based Business.
Copyright © Charles Fuchs is an established Six Figure Income de bolsas earner and one of the top online marketer's. He specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business on the internet.
I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way.
When you are considering the name of your company, you need to remember the importance of branding. Deciding on a name is not a fluke, but instead is a well thought out process and analysis of names and meaning. The importance of branding begins with creating a simple name for your company. Consumers remember simple. Also, making sure your name can be associated with a positive value, characteristic, or position is part of the importance of branding. Consumers like products to which they can associate positive qualities.
Another aspect of the importance of branding is that your name must be different and unique. If your name is too close to another company's then people are likely to mix you up, which reduces revenue. Also, the importance of branding needs to be voiced to your employees so that your message is clear to all of your employees and the public. If you have a vision or goal statement, then you need to voice the importance of branding here also. Employees need to understand the importance of branding so that it is communicated in the office and to consumers every day. The message you are trying to get across in branding depends on your employees putting it out there to consumers.
Still don't think there is any importance of branding as it applies to your company? Well consider that brand name recognition can increase your profits by between 10 to 20 percent. If you are looking to increase your profits, then you may come to understand the importance of branding. Analyze the importance of branding and determine how you can use your name to promote positive qualities. Encourage your employees to learn about the importance of branding and to put the branding message out to the consumer. Believe in your brand name, what it means, and consumers will follow.
Hopefully this articles has proven useful to you. Download my Free E-Book and receive valuable tips, strategies and techniques designed to grow a successful Home Based Business.
Copyright © Charles Fuchs is an established Six Figure Income de bolsas earner and one of the top online marketer's. He specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business on the internet.
I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way.
When it comes to choosing the correct weight lifting belt
When it comes to choosing the correct weight lifting belt, there are a number of factors to consider. The most important thing to first determine is what reasons you have for using a weight lifting belt. There are three main reasons you would wear a weight lifting belt; you either have injured your lower back; rolex seamasteryou are engaging in heavy weight training and want to lift heavier whilst protecting your back; or you want to show your involvement in bodybuilding to all the other less serious, non-weightlifting belt wearing trainers in the gym.
If you have already injured your lower back and received advise from a professional to support your back whilst lifting, they may have suggested a product for you. Otherwise a light and relatively flexible weight lifting belt will most likely be suitable, and considering it's not something you will be investing in long-term once you recover, a rolex watches weightlifting belt that retails for around $30 might be what you're after.
If you are looking for a weightlifting belt for very heavy weight training, or for competitive power lifting, there are a few things to consider. What level of support do you need? Most power belts are 4"-6" wide in the back, and which size you choose should relate to how tall you are (a 6" back can be very restrictive for a shorter person) and what your power lifting organization allows in its rules. It should fit around your waist, sitting on top of your hips, and only cause discomfort when it puts pressure on your hips and only during a heavy lift. What kind of locking mechanism do you require? If you are just a heavy gym lifter, a one or two-pronged buckle will be fine, giving you the peace of mind that it's secure and generally looks a lot nicer than a quick release lever belt, like those a power lifter will probably prefer to use. A power lifter will usually prefer a lever belt because of the discomfort involved in a heavily supported one rep attempt, as well as it being easy for a training partner to tighten for them, and being able to get it much tighter than a buckle. Again, you should consult your organization's rule book before deciding. Inzer makes the most reputable power belts and they are usually under $100.
If wearing a weightlifting belt is part of your gym attire and needs to look good whilst standing up to daily moderate to heavy workouts, almost any belt that has a secure buckle and a good level of support (approx. 4") will be suitable for you, as all are developed with this function in mind.
Choose something that is comfortable and looks good, replica rolex seamasterbecause that's what you are in the gym for after all. Some companies offer basic black, tan, and red leather weight lifting belts from about $30, or you can get mid ranged priced belts from $110.
The most fashion-focused weightlifting belt company is Katana weight lifting belts, with every fashion from pink croc-print to yellow and black snake print, their luxury weight lifting belts start at around $175.
If you have already injured your lower back and received advise from a professional to support your back whilst lifting, they may have suggested a product for you. Otherwise a light and relatively flexible weight lifting belt will most likely be suitable, and considering it's not something you will be investing in long-term once you recover, a rolex watches weightlifting belt that retails for around $30 might be what you're after.
If you are looking for a weightlifting belt for very heavy weight training, or for competitive power lifting, there are a few things to consider. What level of support do you need? Most power belts are 4"-6" wide in the back, and which size you choose should relate to how tall you are (a 6" back can be very restrictive for a shorter person) and what your power lifting organization allows in its rules. It should fit around your waist, sitting on top of your hips, and only cause discomfort when it puts pressure on your hips and only during a heavy lift. What kind of locking mechanism do you require? If you are just a heavy gym lifter, a one or two-pronged buckle will be fine, giving you the peace of mind that it's secure and generally looks a lot nicer than a quick release lever belt, like those a power lifter will probably prefer to use. A power lifter will usually prefer a lever belt because of the discomfort involved in a heavily supported one rep attempt, as well as it being easy for a training partner to tighten for them, and being able to get it much tighter than a buckle. Again, you should consult your organization's rule book before deciding. Inzer makes the most reputable power belts and they are usually under $100.
If wearing a weightlifting belt is part of your gym attire and needs to look good whilst standing up to daily moderate to heavy workouts, almost any belt that has a secure buckle and a good level of support (approx. 4") will be suitable for you, as all are developed with this function in mind.
Choose something that is comfortable and looks good, replica rolex seamasterbecause that's what you are in the gym for after all. Some companies offer basic black, tan, and red leather weight lifting belts from about $30, or you can get mid ranged priced belts from $110.
The most fashion-focused weightlifting belt company is Katana weight lifting belts, with every fashion from pink croc-print to yellow and black snake print, their luxury weight lifting belts start at around $175.
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